Lawn and Turfgrass Facts and Stats - MowMore

These turfgrass statistics from the for commercial lawnmowing professionals that may surprise you: 

  • There are millions of grass plants in 1/4 acre lawn - In a well maintained, thick 10,000 square foot lawn there will be 6 turf plants per square inch, 850 turf plants per square foot for a total of 8.5 million turf plants.
  • Lots of water in those clippings - Grass plants are 75 to 80% water, by weight.
  • Up to 90% of the weight of a grass plant is in its roots.
  • Use top quality commercial lawnmower blades that cut grass into small clippings that you can leave on the lawn if possible - Clippings contain nutrients useable to the grass, when left on the lawn.
  • Lawns make our environment healthier - A lawn, 50 by 50 feet (2,500 square feet) releases enough oxygen for a family of four, while absorbing carbon dioxide, ozone, hydrogen fluoride, and peroxyacetyl nitrate.
  • Lawns can help protect our natural waterways and reduce runoff pollution - A dense, healthy lawn prevents run-off, absorbing rainfall six times more effectively than a wheat field and four times better than a hay field.
  • Grass helps keep the dust and airborne particulates under control - Turfgrass helps control pollution, trapping much of an estimated 12 million tons of dust and dirt released annually into the US atmosphere.
  • Lawns are natural air conditioning units - The front lawns of eight average houses have the cooling effect of about 70 tons of air conditioning, while the average home-size central air has only a 3 to 4 ton capacity .
  • A well maintained lawn can raise your home's value - As part of a well-designed and maintained landscape, turfgrass increases a home’s property value by 15 to 20 %.
  • A lawn provides open sight lines and minimizes hiding places - Safety-sightlines discourage intruders and heighten visibility.
  • Turfgrass absorbs noise and reduces glare.

Thanks again to The Lawn Institute for these interesting facts!

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